Kitchen: Christmas 2011 Revamp

Here’s some photos of some kitchen work that I did as a Christmas present to my hubby. He is the chef of the family.

I don’t have “before” photos. Well, I do from when we first moved into the house, but they’re from my film days, so I’ll need to scan some photos. As soon as I find them. 😉

There were 3 major components to this job:

  1. Installation of laminate flooring
  2. removal of cabinet above stove & cabinet above peninsula
  3. installation of pot rack above stove & stainless backsplash

Funny story….I started this work as soon as my hubby left for work in the morning and hoped to have it done by the time he got home at 4PM. The cabinets came down quite quickly, but the floor was hard to get started, PLUS, since this was a surprise, I didn’t ask DH to pull out any tools for me, so when it came time to find the right saws, etc for this job, we (DHs best friend helped) were at a bit of a disadvantage. We assumed DH owned the proper tools, he did not and we had to experiment for awhile until we found something that worked. Next time I’ll get a jigsaw first.

DH wound up picking up fast food for us on his way home from work and then pitching in to help. His buddy left about supper time and DH and I continued working until just past midnight.

IN PROGRESS Floor photos:

Halfway done with the floor at 9:40 pm

Floor finished at 12:11 AM whew!

AFTER photos, sort of – these were all cell phone shots – I know – BAAAADDDD!!!

Stainless steel backsplash & new pot rack for utensils

View from the dining room. We still have some additional work to do. We’re going to add on a real bar with an overhang and then get bar stools that are the right height for it. These will do for now. I already had them on hand. I also already changed out the cabinet hardware, but haven’t taken photos.

And it’s real obvious that I have not yet learned how to stage photos. (I’m a people photographer, they don’t need staged. Much. 😉 )

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