
~~~~~Original 01/10/2012:

Everyone knows someone they call “the crazy cat lady.”

Well, I’m “the crazy camera lady.”

I’ve been called that.


It’s time to change that. I’m not changing professions, but I’m going to concentrate on some home decor and other projects that have absolutely nothing to do with photography.

~~~~~Update 05/11/2012:

I’ve been living in this home for 7 years, maybe 8. I just haven’t done much with the place, and that’s a shame, because it’s a cool house, and we’re weird people. And we have some awesome stuff. So, I’ve kind of gotten on a home-decorating kick. I used to do something similar as a job with 2 different big box type home improvement stores in my distant employment history, so I’m not afraid to use a tool.

But I’m kind of lazy, so I’m going to shortcut where I can. I’m not into coating everything with a coat of paint and a poly finish. Sometimes just washing something down good works for me. I like wood. I live in a home where cherry, oak and walnut is prominent.

And I’m not going to get all crazy with linky parties and doing the blogarama thing. I’ll link up to Funky Junk because I like her the best and read every single thing she writes. I’m doing this for fun and relaxation, not to start another side business or website. I didn’t even buy the domain name for this – it’s on a freebie blog. Woohoo!

But anyway – I’m not in to buying a bunch of stuff to make something with.  I’m ok with stripping paint from a piece of furniture that has great lines or detail. I’m a sucker for carved ornate wood, although the house I live in is very craftsman-meets-hunting-lodge, so I have to be careful how much of that I use. My husband has a shop of tools I can use and I have my own small set. I used to own a stained glass studio, so I’ve got some unique things to decorate with. I’m a photographer, now, so it’s about time I started putting some of my own work on the walls.

So, for now, I’ll take a few photos and write a little about what I’m up to. Maybe someday, my great-grandchildren will access this in some kind of geneology research. Wouldn’t that be cool? But meanwhile – I’ll chat to you while I”m working. I have to chat to someone. If not, I’d be chatting to myself and when you do that, it’s kind of like a diary, you know? Which really, is what the internet has turned into – the public diaries of any damn person in the world you want to look up. Some day there will be databases of all of our writings and Facebook stati. And our descendants are going to think we were all bizarre. OK, now I’m just getting random.

Oh yeah, I’m kind of one of those ADD OCD people. Freaky. Last week I labeled my labelmaker.

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