The Bucket List

I have many ideas swirling around in my head, but let’s be realistic – by the time I get to that project, I will have changed my mind 37 times, so let’s just limit the home improvement project bucket list to general areas & rooms that I would like to re-do during the course of this blog.

As the projects are completed, I will link to the appropriate post(s):

Bucket List:

  1. Finish Kitchen project. Started this on December 23 as a Christmas present for the hubby and some minor finishing needs done.
  2. Dining Room – the current plans are to turn this into an Irish/Celtic pub.
  3. Hallway
  4. Living Room
  5. Bedroom
  6. main bathroom
  7. studio
  8. front porch
  9. deck
  10. back deck
  11. hot tub area
  12. office
  13. client bathroom
  14. basement bathroom
  15. laundry room
  16. music room
  17. utility room
  18. main basement area
  19. upstairs hallway

Hmm….now that it’s all laid out like this – it will probably take YEARS to get this house the way I want it. *sigh*

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